Starting next week I’ll be posting food related content on our new Food Fridays blog posts. I named this company Second Lunch Studios, so there’s no hiding I love food. I haven’t gotten rid of my freshmen 15(x2), so there’s that impetus to get healthier as I now past the halfway marker into my 30s. I’ll try to incorporate some gameplay-balance to my meals as I enter this journey. Mahaps I’ll eat oatmeal with blueberries for 3 days for every bacony breakfast bagel sandwich I have. I share my bacon wrapped hot dog recipe that’s been evolving every since I saw those stands outside of the Staples Center at my first E3 oh so long ago.
Food is an important part of our lives and sometimes busy game developers can forget to eat well. During crunch-time there is a certain camaraderie with eating pizza and coding/drawing away. There’s nothing wrong with ordering pizza and burgers but after a while your wallet gets thinner and your gut gets larger. With every job I’ve had, once the initial learning phase was over and I settled into a routine, the biggest dilemma I faced everyday was where to have lunch. Sometimes I’d pack a healthy lunch but then I’d eat it by 10am and then would need to get a second lunch later in the afternoon.
I’ve been working from home the past year and I’ve slowly been weaning myself off of ordering delivery every night. I’ll be embarking on a quest to learn new recipes, eat more vegetables, and maybe set a better example for my son before he picks up all my bad eating habits.
I’ll share new healthy recipes I’m learning, unhealthy delicious stuff I still eat, and of course coffee experiments. Apparently once you become a dad on top of making bad puns you also get the urge to make cold-brew coffee and your own beer. I do not have room in my apt to make beer (yet) so coffee it is.